Richmond Trip
What can I say?! Aline Day guided our group to Richmond complete with parking instructions and weather report! She left nothing to chance and it was flawless. We arrived with time to spare for our 9:30 guided tour ( a more peaceful time before the museum even opens) of Fine Art and Flowers at the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts.
We are SO thankful to Aline for all of the arrangements ~ she is a pro! Our group included Catherine Adams, Daphne Cheatham, Gail Clark, Elizabeth Courts, Harriett Condon, Louise Crane, Ilona Croft, Libby Devlin, Aline Day, Mary Marshall Hansen, Sheila Harrell, Kassie Kingsley, Janna Leepson, Linda MacLean, Peggy Rust, Linda Taylor, Kate Willliams, a guest, Georgiana Watt and Telle Zeiler.
Afterwards we had time to wander in the museum (the Paul Mellon Collection had just reopened after 4 years). Ladies were early once again to see the newly refreshed Kent Valentine House, have lunch and a brief tour.
Highlights were seeing the arrangement June Hambrick did for the exhibition, (see the pictures Gladys sent me below) and discovering Lea Shuba’s interpretive arrangement outside as she had promised.
Have a great day ~ and enjoy these pictures~